Thursday, October 6, 2016

My Choice

I'd rather live in my own world
than to die from your words.

I'd rather stay isolated and be happy,
than to be around people who don't know me.

Written by: KTN PRL

Friday, September 16, 2016


Your words can be sold
But time shall tear apart
Every walls and 
unhide your flaws.

Let your actions speak
Your greatness,
Your weakness.

Words to explain
are no longer needed.

High expectation turned
shall diminish.

Surprise them what you can do
Surprise them who is the real

Written by: KTN PRL

Thursday, September 15, 2016


One does not need
to be perfect,
for there is no such thing.
The world itself
is subjected to change,
it was made to be imperfect.

Written by: KTN PRL

Saddening Observation

Engulfed by the obstacles of everyday life
Forgetting the simplest beauty
Striving under pressure of the society
Deep sigh released after a whole day of misery.

The cycle repeats
and so time ticks
Leaves fall from the trees
Care for others dusted
and flew by the wind.

It is always the "I" that matters to oneself
No man remembers what others tell
The man rather stick to his gadgets and
uplift himself just to feel well.

Written by: KTN PRL

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


It is when your mind shall know the truth,
when your body doesn't comply with your thoughts.

It is when you're immobile that you'll understand what you've taken
advantage of.

It is when you don't feel right that you'll be reminded that you've lost
respect for yourself.

Written KTN PRL

Monday, September 12, 2016


A painting illuminated
by the moon so gracious
giving life to a distant memory
of a melancholic ingenue.

A falling angel
caught by a mortal creature,
depicted her desperation
to fix a broken picture.

For the man that defies
the line of their friendship state.
For the man that gave his all
to win her heart whatever it takes.

She will paint this subject all over again,
to express how much he means to her.
For the love she can't reciprocate in reality,
in a painting she'll transform into probability.

Written by: KTN PRL

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Loving A Dreamer

My eyes glitter as you speak,
when you tell me your stories and dreams.
I can only feel you, with your eager voice,
everything around the universe shrinks.

Your world is so profound,
where you aspire what your heart only desires.
Your are so precious, I'm in pain,
for your presence is pure I cannot contain.

If only I can embrace your existence
and let not anyone invade your space.
I will shield you away from heartaches,
and you will always be safe.

Written by: KTN PRL

Saturday, September 10, 2016


A dying motivation
can be saved,
with kind words
of appreciation.

Say the magic words
and instantly
he'll know he has worth.

It is inevitable to
find a lost soul,
for they are scattered
in every direction.

Be generous to appreciate,
shyness is not enough
to justify your quietness.

Notice he exists
no matter what he is,
empathy is the key
even if it's never close to reality.

Written by: KTN PRL


Talk to a stranger
no judgment can be seen,
for this day is the only day
that both can meet.

It is an encounter made
either bad or great
but surely your instincts
will cooperate.

A choice to be made,
will a stranger be a friend
even for a day or will it be sustained
in an everlasting chain?

Written by: KTN PRL

Thursday, September 8, 2016


Facts are given,
but none are driven
to learn, act and keep
what's written.

List down all wisdom,
rusty from overly used.
Mimic the wise men
and still end up confused.

Anyone can easily spit truth,
but not all really understood.
For one preaches what has been decided,
a culture of the unaware closed-minded.

Written by: KTN PRL

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Love Yourself

It was there.
All through your life,
from sorrow to your glee,
through thick and thin.

It was there.
The you that you're looking for,
whenever you want companion,
whenever you feel alone. 

It was there.
The you that console you,
admire you despite your flaws,
holding on, never letting go.

It was there.
Lying in the deepest of your soul,
waiting to awake from your blindness,
waiting to boost your confidence.

It was there,
and will always be,
just learn,
to love yourself.

Written by: KTN PRL

What Is It About Life?

What is it about life that makes her sad?
Is she looking on the wrong side?
Someone might laugh,
Calling her pessimist in life.

Is it wrong if ignorance is not her bliss?
She cares about the smallest detail made.
And despite not all understand it,
She won't end this sadness with a blade.

What is it about life that makes her sad?
If this continues till end,
She has no choice but to embrace it like a friend.
For she wants to make this insane life well spent.

Written by: KTN PRL

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Slave Of Doubt

Slave of doubt
today you're nothing,
if you don't surmount it,
tomorrow will be the same.

Written by: KTN PRL

Four-leaf Clover

If they ask me to find
a four-leaf clover,
I will proudly smile
and turn to you.
For I am
considered fortunate
when I befriended
a rare miracle,

Written by: KTN PRL

Monday, September 5, 2016

The Difference

He doesn't need a friend,
he needs someone who feeds his

Misunderstanding an idea,
blinding himself in a misguided

Written by: KTN PRL

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Awakened Monster

Admiration into obsession,
stranger turned stalker.
A lover became a creep,
he is a tale of the awakened monster.

Written by: KTN PRL

Nature Speaks

Birds singing melody,
for you to awake.
Pull yourself out the tent,
and everyone shall celebrate.

Step onto the land,
move wherever you please,
your footprint shall mark
history that you exist.

Towering tress,
swaying along the wind.
They await your presence so
they can finally breathe.

The sun acknowledges you,
his rays shine brightly upon you.
Ready to surrender his reign,
for you to see the glorious moon.

When fate plays game on you,
don't feel any gloom,
for the flowers will send their scent,
you can lie with them as they bloom.

The clouds will unite
to shower you rain,
to wash away your worries
and let your happiness invigorate.

Written by: KTN PRL


Setting out on a journey,
on my way back home.
Figuring out the pieces left,
picking them up as I roam.

The fragments of identity,
the dreams that I wove.
Settled to find anything,
even the masks I've worn.

Desperately looking for truth,
from the past that made me hope.
Meticulously observant,
of the things that once made me whole.

Home is where I belong.
Home is what I have longed.
Home will remind me the goal,
that made me want to soar.
Home will heal the me,
that fell hard on a cold floor.

Written by: KTN PRL

Friday, September 2, 2016


Keeping the equilibrium,
force of gravity befalls
upon human's borrowed life
when floating becomes overdone.

Counting ages
as time mercilessly pass by
whether humans live or die,
the world rotates and that
makes irrelevant.

Fighting to live,
looking for meanings
despite humans praying
not all are redeemed.

Seeking for a star's guidance
to infinite beliefs,
humans take the risk of believing
in order to peacefully live.

Some things
Are not up to me,
That probably makes me, me.
A human being.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Memories Remain

Memories remain
if the heart desires.
Uncaptured moment
ain't it more significant?
There is no proof it existed,
just intangible feelings and faith.

Written by: KTN PRL

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

You're Like A Book To Me

Pupils dilate by the presence
of a book that caught me
Heart skipped a beat as my hands found
glory when I touched its skin
Lost in a trance when its soothing smell
visits my nostrils
Mind flew high as it speaks
countless possibilities and so
from there I knew
how I fell in love
With you.

Written by: KTN PRL

Monday, August 29, 2016

Letting Go

In the midst of losing myself
I seek console from a friend,
despite it seldom happens
I'm assured she's there till end.

Opening the gates of sorrow,
to her, I have surrendered.
I'm tired, I told her.
Swiftly, a wisdom she offered.

Sometimes, it's okay
not to swim against the tide.
Her words hit straight to my heart,
and that I cannot hide.

She was right,
I'm holding too tight on a rope.
With the current against me,
I was tired yet scared to let go.

Sometimes, it's okay to wander
your eyes away from the goal.
Letting go isn't equivalent to giving up
but rather,
a way of realization
to take things slow and not lose all.

Written by: KTN PRL

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Grandest Dream

I can still remember
so vividly,
from the past,
my grandest dream.

From that summer night
I've shared to you,
eyes with gleam,
my grandest dream.

I was filled with high hopes
that you'll support,
the ecstatic idea,
my grandest dream.

I can still remember
so vividly,
you called my grandest
an elusive dream.

Written by: KTN PRL

I'm Still Trying

I've always
wanted to
it looks
as if you
don't want
me to.

Something Familiar

Look at this vibrant child,
that's playing under a tree.
Giving vibes of his future,
that he can bring home victory.

A smile of happiness displays,
on his face so young and free.
This is his time of innocence,
long before he flees.

This phase of life always gives me
the chills of familiarity.
Because all adults were once like him,
just a child full of dreams,
spotless of uncertainty.

Written by: KTN PRL

Saturday, August 27, 2016


Subconsciousness taking over,
Releasing the innate power.
Although this is happening,
I'm unsure if it's me that's talking.

I'm drunk but declares sober,
That's just me like any other.
It's the game that everyone's playing,
Being caught but still pretending.

Tonight let me release the other,
It's been hidden like forever.
Let this be a temporary remedy,
For my lingering insanity.

Tomorrow let me suffer,
Multiply the thoughts that come over.
No one can escape from reality,
Perhaps that's the real tragedy.

Written by: KTN PRL

Thursday, August 25, 2016


The reason why we condemn
Egos exist on our realm
People fighting contentment
Struggling to have acknowledgment

That's how it is
All are born narcissists
Nobody wants to be still
Nobody wants to disappear

wants to be

Written by: KTN PRL

Tuesday, August 23, 2016


Observe and uncover the truth,
Behind the man in a defensive suit.

Take away your ignorance and find a clue,
Save him from yet another feud. 

He is delicate but masked to stay protected, 
Refrain the rumors that he is cold-hearted. 

Stop him from hardening his armor,
And a change you'll find in another encounter.

Written by: KTN PRL

Friday, August 19, 2016


Frustrating, humiliating.
The sense of achieving,
The map is not the same,
the destination changed.
Disturbing discoveries,
no solutions in baggage.
Where is the next stop?
Tell me the next route,
anything to get out.

Written by: KTN PRL

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Same Old Guide

Move forward to get the goal
It doesn't matter if you need to crawl.
Failures are inevitable
They are soon made memorable.

Learn from your mistakes as they say
They will help you the next day
Break free from self resistance
Give yourself a chance

Future lies ahead
Fate will guide you so don't be afraid
The world is not against you
In fact it brings a new day for you to continue.

Written by: KTN PRL

Friday, August 12, 2016

Mistaken Identity

You are what you think you are.
They are what you think they are.
Do you really know who you are?
Do you really know who they are?

Written by: KTN PRL

Monday, August 8, 2016

A Little Reminder

Little things you don't see
They have no significance you believed
You urge more for what's not there
Don't blame the world it's unfair.

Little things you forget
Time won't move backwards for your regrets
Rushing your pace to the top
It's like leading yourself to a trap.

Written by: KTN PRL


it scares me
how every word
comes out,
from my mouth,
without me
granting it.

Written by: KTN PRL

Wednesday, August 3, 2016


Sleep won't come
My mind relentlessly thinking
Overstressing the unknown
I'll wait for the sun to come home

Long hours of the night
I thought it'll be silent
My brain is still restless
And yet, nothing makes sense.

Written by: KTN PRL

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Lone Wolf

Let me write you a letter
Of one that's full of love and appreciation
To tell you genuine sentiments and not of lies
Let my words clear your clouded mind

Lovely as you are
No need to change a thing
Your effort to smile even though you're breaking
Gratefulness I can only give

Carefully choosing your words
Staying strong for the strangers' confessions
You try to conceal your own emotions
And give sympathy for them to move on

My heart aches for the others
Ignorant of your own world
You stay silent not because of secrecy
But because you knew how far one can hold

I watch you from afar
Lucky enough to speak to you once in a while
As we know how it goes
I speak your language and you did mine

Little time together we spent
Subtly looking for someone to comprehend
Our simple joys of being heard
A little depth of insights we shared

Now we're on separate ways
I wish you only happiness
May you find people who appreciate you
And let them lighten your burdens.

Written by: KTN PRL

Monday, July 11, 2016

Self is the Enemy

Frustrations come across
I've been drowned with toxins
Mind's thoughts unable to suppress
Hope is ruined

Lots of things to do
But no peace of mind
Self is the enemy
No work is done

Existence is irrelevant
I speak without a sound
Nobody relates
No one understands

I stand right here
Eyes everywhere
Words cut confidence
I blamed myself

Written by: KTN PRL

Friday, July 1, 2016


I am young.
Till when will I be?
Seasons change in a blink of an eye
I pretend I'm unconscious

Troubles come and go,
And so will be the people.
We all have in common
I have fears

I run as fast as I could
But the rain kept on falling
And there are mountains to pass
Only then I realized I was only watching the sky. 

I wander,
Back to where I start.
I stood in front of the clock
Memories appeared and so is the pain

I am young.
Till when will I be?
The sky I'm watching, 
I'm not the only one who sees.

Written by: KTN PRL

Thursday, June 16, 2016


Never underestimate a heart of gold
For it crashes down firm shield which I've invested upon from birth.
Never did I plan to let my guard down for you to witness who is who
But your pure kindness pass through painfully as it carved its existence to my soul.

My heart is weary and vulnerability displayed.
Never once did I felt so naked in front of whoever in my years of living
Embracing this change I dare to never progress but it's though as if I didn't succeed
My shield was shattered and blocking your presence, I failed.

Written by: KTN PRL

Sunday, February 7, 2016

A Man with a Diary

What else could be more attractive
than a man carrying words in his pocket. 
From a simple thought to his longest narrations, 
a little book he's carrying had been graced. 
A manly voice with a strong feat, 
I can never forget your mind's true content. 
Just a glimpse of your insights, 
my heart had been swayed.

Written by: KTN PRL